Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Labor of Love From the Friends School

Several postpartum mothers are the recipients of a special service project from Friends School of Baltimore students.

The kindergarten students of Fran Morrissey and seventh-grade students of Erin Zimmerman worked together to tie and stuff fleece pillows on Quaker Community Day. The students made a total of 18 pillows, which were donated to Sinai Hospital's Labor and Delivery unit. They will be used by mothers who have had a C-section, who hold the pillows across their stomach when coughing or doing deep breathing.

"The goals of this project were to build community between students at Friends and to use our talents to help members of our local community," Morrissey says. "The kindergarten students also increased their fine motor skills while learning to tie knots and follow a sequential pattern. We incorporated empathy, reflection, resiliency, collaboration and communication skills into this activity."

Students and the teachers discussed how pillows help the healing process and what it feels like to work together, Morrissey says.

"The seventh graders provided a direct service to the kindergarten students and both groups of students provided indirect service to the surgery patients," she says.

To learn more about Sinai Hospital's Labor and Delivery unit, call 410-601-9355 (WELL).

1 comment:

Nick Raymon said...

I feel like I’m constantly looking for interesting things to read about a variety of subjects, but I manage to include your blog among my reads every day because you have honest entries that I look forward to. Here’s hoping there’s a lot more great material coming!